Tuesday, September 19, 2006

New York, New York, New York

Apparently, I also live in New York County. Probably the only time in my life I will live in a city, county and state all with the same name. Probably the only place where this is the case. Makes it easy to remember but stuff like this messes up kids who grow up here. You grow up thinking something is normal or typical only to find out in college that it's not.

For example, I grew up thinking it was customary that if you put an envelope in a Ziploc bag with a quarter (what a stamp cost back in the day) that the postman would put a stamp on it and mail it for you. Harsh reality when I found out that wasn't the case.


Abby said...

But do you remember when we tried to send letters in Valentine's Day Card envelopes. Who knew that only standard size envelopes are accepted?

Anonymous said...

I remember you arriving in Kansas with the belief that your pronunciation of "bag" was appropriate, and things were kiddy corner to each other, instead of kaddy corner. You were a strange one, indeed.