Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Entertainment overload

I now have Internet AND cable (250 channels + the movie channels for a month). Woo hoo! I am completely overstimulated and even my little ADD self can't take it. Unfortunately I cannot watch TV and be online at the same time since I don't have a TV in my room but given the dorm sized apartment it's not too tough to listen from the other room.

I haven't watched the Daily Show or the Colbert Report in weeks and I'm going through total and complete withdrawal. I will be fixing that in just a moment. And eating the cookies I just baked. Like I said, ADD.


Alicia said...

I feel like a hidden camera in each of our apartments would reveal eerily similar behaviors. I can't do one thing at a time to save my life.

Laura said...

Dude, a wireless modem is like $30. Get one and then you can internet everywhere in your apt (including the bathroom).