Wednesday, July 08, 2009


Well, I'm standing in line at the NYC DMV about 20 minutes from surrendering my Missouri driver's license. You might say, "Roxie, you've lived in two states since Missouri and the most recent for nearly 3 years. How do you still have a Missouri driver's license?" And the answer would be, "because I'm lazy and don't drive."

My MO DL expires in approximately 13 days on my birthday and am actually sad to say goodbye to it. This is probably the first time I've really looked at it in a long time and am getting misty that it has my old Plaza address. In retrospect, that was an amazing apartment. Corner unit alcove studio? Amazing.

Anyway, even though I don't drive, I figure its a good idea to have a valid driver's license for when I drive around SD.

There are a few teens here with their parents getting what I assume is their first DL. My dad took me to get my first permit almost 14 years ago! I've been driving almost half my life. Scary. You should be scared too.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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