Sunday, January 13, 2008 wise

So I made a shocking discovery today. I'm watching a little "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" (why can't I pass up a HP movie when it's on, regardless of how many times I've seen it?) and Moaning Myrtle comes on. I was thinking, "I hope that she has a good career and isn't just Moaning Myrtle". They never show her at the premieres and I'm assuming she's the same age as the other characters.

Um, or she's 42. Yeah, Moaning Myrtle is played by Shirley Henderson who some of you may remember as Jude from the two Bridget Jones' movies. Oh and she's Scottish. And anyone who is anyone knows "If it's not Scottish, it's crrrrrrahp."

1 comment:

Abby said...

Just saw Bridget Jones today for the first time...I'm a little behind the times I guess. Anyway, the first time Jude appeared all I could think of was Moaning Myrtle. I kept thinking that she should be semi-transparent for some reason.