Thursday, October 18, 2007

Helpful Advice to Stay Safe

Since we live in New York City, my boss wanted my coworkers and I to be familiar with the signs for terrorism established by Homeland Security. Here are a few that I found most helpful:

If you spot terrorism, blow your anti-terrorism whistle. If you are Vin Diesel, yell really loud.

Be on the lookout for terrorists with pinkeye and leprosy. Also, they tend to rub their hands together manically.

Try to absorb as much of the radiation as possible with your groin region. The current world record is 5 minutes, 12 seconds.

I'm sure that you'll want to learn more helpful ways to stay safe. Here is where you can find more information.

P.S. If you didn't get it, this is a joke, there is no current threat, NYC is very safe. However, it is true that my boss sent this to me and I spent the next 15 minutes snorting and falling out of my chair.

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