Sunday, September 14, 2008


July 16th was the most recent post. Huh. Sorry y'all.

I've been getting some, are you updating your blog questions lately and I can only answer. Um...yeah, no. Sorry, I've been lazy.

So, lots of things have happened since July 16th, for example:
  • My birthday was held at a bar that didn't allow flip flops (had no idea before) and looked A LOT like the Ministry of Magic (see 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix'). Regardless, it was a really great time.
  • I went home for Beers 'n Ears at the beginning of August. It was a lot of fun and I forgot how much I enjoy being home in South Dakota during the summer. I love being home when the corn is tall and green and the lawn and flowers are in their peak and when I'm surrounded by my whole family. Due to a sickness of Trent Reznor, little sister was able to stay for the whole weekend and it was really great.
  • While home in the Southern Dakota I went to a street dance, which was AWESOME. I've never been a street dance before, and since I knew everyone there, it was particularly fun. I had a great time and am really looking forward to next June and my 10 year reunion and the sesquicentennial of Elk Point, SD. It'll be a very fun weekend!
  • Two weekends after the South Dakota trip I went on the annual trip to Ocean City, NJ. Friends from PSB and I have gone on this trip for about 4 years which is amazing. What is more amazing, is that we do the same thing every time. Friday, get in late, hit the hot tub at Erica's mom's house. Saturday, go to the beach (play in the ocean, almost drown --waves kick by butt), Saturday night, go out in Atlantic City (wait until Michael Phelps wins gold), Sunday, lay by the pool, order Sack'o'Subs and head back to NYC. It's so much fun and I look forward to it every year.
  • Since then I've just been hanging out in NYC. My friend Rommi found an amazing bar called the Frying Pan that is on a pier in the Hudson River which allows you to enjoy living on an island. I have to admit, my biggest complaint about Manhattan is that, "I LIVE ON AN ISLAND! WHEN CAN I HANG OUT ON THE WATER?!?!" Ok, a little extreme with all the caps, but seriously, there are a limited number of locations that you can really enjoy the water.
  • Summer in New York was very mild in my opinion. Now that it's getting cold and fall/winter is coming I definitely feel that I got jipped.
  • New Yorker Festival: Ok, so this hasn't happened yet, but I'm going to the New Yorker Festival for the first time since starting to read the magazine. My friend Gretchen turned me on to the New Yorker when I was living in DC. When in DC I looked at the NY festival as something that'd be so fun to attend, but because I didn't live there, would be something I aspire to. Well, last year, I wasn't able to attend because I was out of town, this year, on October 4th (I think) I get to attend, 'Humor in Politics' at the NY festival. I'm thrilled to see Samantha Bee from the Daily Show, hopefully I'll update after the event.
  • I'm hyper interested in the state of presidential affairs right now, and because I'm assuming 90% of the people who read this know where I fall politically I won't state it here, but I can't promise that I won't mention my thoughts in the coming weeks. Part of the reason that I haven't been updating lately is likely because of my political feelings and not wanting to offend people. If I do, I apologize.

I hope everyone is well and I apologize for not updating more regularly.



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