Heather and Jon Armstrong are as cool in person as they are on their websites: Dooce and Blurbomat. For those that didn't read my last posting, you need to add these to your favorites and start reading! I still haven't read through all the archives though I have certainly tried. It's like when you find a band that you love only to find out they've released 3 albums prior to you hearing about them. It's like Christmas!
I went to the Soda Bar in Brooklyn for their book signing and I really didn't know what to expect. I got there around 6:30 (an hour after it started) and I didn't expect for all of Brooklyn to be sold out of the book or for the ones they had brought, to be sold out in the first hour. I did try to pick it up on the UES but everyone's shipment had been delayed. CURSES!
Anyway, There was a very long line to just MEET Jon and Heather. At one point I saw Jon and was shocked how tall he is. Pictures on the web can be deceiving. Heather is also ridiculously tall as you'll see in my pictures. They were very kind and gracious while I blabbered along about the love I have for them. Oh, and they love my name. THANKS MOM AND DAD! It DOES have an "x" in it. I agree, that is awesome.
The crowd was interesting, I was surrounded by some typical New Yorkers but also some stay-at-home moms that came down from CT "where the Stepford wives was filmed" to be accurate. They were REALLY excited to be leaving their house.
I got a picture with Heather and Jon which will follow when I get home. It's HERE! Tall right?!
I went to the Soda Bar in Brooklyn for their book signing and I really didn't know what to expect. I got there around 6:30 (an hour after it started) and I didn't expect for all of Brooklyn to be sold out of the book or for the ones they had brought, to be sold out in the first hour. I did try to pick it up on the UES but everyone's shipment had been delayed. CURSES!
Anyway, There was a very long line to just MEET Jon and Heather. At one point I saw Jon and was shocked how tall he is. Pictures on the web can be deceiving. Heather is also ridiculously tall as you'll see in my pictures. They were very kind and gracious while I blabbered along about the love I have for them. Oh, and they love my name. THANKS MOM AND DAD! It DOES have an "x" in it. I agree, that is awesome.
The crowd was interesting, I was surrounded by some typical New Yorkers but also some stay-at-home moms that came down from CT "where the Stepford wives was filmed" to be accurate. They were REALLY excited to be leaving their house.
I got a picture with Heather and Jon which will follow when I get home. It's HERE! Tall right?!
So jealous! Damn you Brooklyn for being so far away!! I heart the pic and I feel as though Jon likely made that face in a lot of pics.
Sadly, I have the book but no signature. I will have to send her my book to sign. I am super jealous as well.
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