Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Weird thing this morning. My friend Erica (from DC, visiting for a meeting) and I were in the Subway this morning and it was eerily quiet. Like, creepy quiet. I dont think a single person on our car was talking. Then, after I get off the subway, I walked all the way to my office and again, no one was talking. I found this seriously creepy.

I spoke to my friend Viv, a longtime resident, and she said that its like someone hits a mute button in New York in the winter. That it's too cold to talk. People better warm up soon because it creeped me out. I'll keep you posted.

Erica - thanks for visiting chica, even if it was for just a short time. You're always welcome in NYC!

Weird admission: Fellow bloggers, when you do a spell check before you post and it says, "No misspellings found" are you proud of yourself like I am? Excellent spelling AND typing abilities. This girl has mad skills.

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