Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I've added a link to Flickr on the right. I've got some pics from my friend Gregg's going away party, a trip to Ocean/Atlantic Cities and some random pics from my first few weeks in NYC.

I know that some of the pictures may not be facing the right direction. I've been uploading for 2 hours now and I just don't care anymore :(.

In the coming weeks I'm planning on going to the Brooklyn Bridge and checking out the fall colors in Central Park. It's funny, in one of the NYC pictures I'm wearing a t-shirt, skirt and flip flops. It's hard to believe I've been here long enough to notice a change in weather.

NOTE: Any comments regarding the fact that my bed takes up 75% of my bedroom will be taken as hostile. Yes, the apartment is small BUT cozy, and remember any negativity put toward it now will result in bad feelings between you and the apartment when you visit.


Deb said...

It seems really quite pretty, Rox. I might have to come and visit. I love your windows in the bedroom - is it East?

Anonymous said...

Way to use arpartment karma to stifle negative speech... haha! Your place looks great and I love the big windows in your room!

I am anxious to have the time and/or funds to come visit you!