For my birthday my friend Ashley (frequently mentioned) sent me a ton of burned CDs of her new favorite artists. We have the same taste in music (alterna rock, singer/songwriter, indie, classics) and there were a ton that I really enjoyed. Then I became obsessed with one of the CDs.
The singer's name is Sara Bareilles (Bah-rell-is) and she is AMAZING! I decided to check if she had any shows in NYC and was disappointed to see that she was opening for Jon McLaughlin at the Bowery Ballroom but that they were sold out. Luckily I spotted the little note saying that there were still tickets to see Sara at The Music Hall of Williamsburg (in Brooklyn). I figured my friend Nicole would go with me because she really likes Sara too + apparently Brooklyn is where we go to see music.
She is even more phenomenal in concert than her CD shows. I swear, her label must have tried to tone down her vocals because she was fantastic. Her between the song banter was hilarious. About her song Fairytale, "this song started out as a joke with my friends. The princesses need some attitude. What would it be like if the princesses were drunk."
My favorite tidbit came from Ash, again. I told her that my favorite intro was when she was introducing her song "Love Song". She said, "God I love you guys" then muttered quickly under her breath into the microphone, "but I don't love the people this song is about." I thought she was just talking about an ex. I told Ash the story and she started laughing. She said do you know what she was referencing?
Apparently, her label told her, "we want a love song for your album." She felt kind of pressured to write a love song when she wasn't in love, wasn't feeling it. The chorus for this song:
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you asked for it
'cause you need one, you see
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it's
Make or breaking this
is that why you wanted a love song
'cause why you asked for it
'cause you need one
And as a refresher, what did she call this song? That's right, Love Song (this links to the song that's on her site). When listening to it, you actually think its a love song and its her biggest hit so far from this album. Seriously, hilarious. We have all decided, we would totally be friends.
This is turning into the longest blog ever. Anyway, what you should take away from this is that you should definitely go see her if she's playing near you and you should buy her CD if you don't have it already. She's opening for Maroon 5 this fall so I have a feeling she's going to be a big deal and the days of $12 tickets to see her will be over.